Farm Of The Future

Ludgate Hub
Carberys Farm Zero C Shinagh, Bandon, Cork 0 Ireland

Date & Time

Wednesday, 26 October 2022
09:00 - 16:00 GMT


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Join Ludgate, AgTech UCD and MTU Kerry for a day of Agri ideation at Carberys newly renovated Visitor Center on the Zero C Farm.

This day-long event will bring together people who can identify challenges facing the Agriculture sector at the present. Those challenges can be vast and varied. Through our facilitator and team based exercises the challenges identified will be discussed and methodologies applied for the creation of a robust solution. The solutions will then be presented before our team of judges and a price will be awarded to the winner. 

Who can attend: Farm of the Future Innovation Challenge is open to participants working in the agri/food sector, the farming community, second and third level students, academics and anyone who has an interest in innovation and problem solving. 

What if I don't have a challenge: Don't worry, we will match you with a challenge on the day. You will get to experience how ideation works to create robust solutions which can evolve to a business in the future.

Can I join alone? Yes you can, and we will match you with other participants on the day. Alternatively if you would like to attend as a team and your business or class have a specific challenge to be worked on we would be happy to see you on the day.

What will happen during the workshop? The Ideation Workshop will run from 9am - 4pm.

You will first enjoy some short and fun team-building activities to connect with your team, and then go through various steps in order to mature/rethink your team challenge. You will be supported by our team of facilitators who will help you go through each of the following steps:

  • Which challenge is your idea solving?
  • Exploring: why does this problem exist? 
  • Analysing existing solutions
  • Rephrasing the problem
  • Finally, build an awesome pitch for your presentation to the Judges

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day.


This event is Free to attend.

Ludgate Hub Contacts:
Ludgate Hub
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