QQI Level 5 (6 weeks) 03.07 - 21.08
The award will equip the learner with the competence to provide effective customer service within a work, social or voluntary environment, operating independently while under general supervision.
Skills to Advance is an initiative which aims to equip employees with the skills they need to progress in their current role or to adapt to the changing job market. It provides certified, part-time training opportunities for employees to upskill or reskill.
Working closely with small and medium-sized enterprises, Skills to Advance helps employers identify skills needs and invest in their workforce by providing heavily subsidised education and training to eligible staff.
Skills to Advance has opportunities for anyone in employment to upskill or reskill, particularly if your skills level are below level 5 on the National Framework of Qualifications and/or if they are:
Contact: Linda Ennis
Tel: 086 067 9510
Email: lennis@lmetb.ie
Contact: Ann Gallagher
Tel: 086 787 0854
Email: agallagher@lmetb.ie
Contact: Pamela Ryan
Tel: 086 083 8004
Email: pryan.amc@lmetb.ie